MPVS Ultra foundation systems
The Mikro-Tip® Pressure Volume System (MPVS) Ultra Foundation Systems are configured for measurement of left ventricular pressure (LVP) and volume. Choose a Foundation System suitable for small (rat or mouse) hearts, or small through to large (sheep, pig) hearts.
A variety of Millar pressure-volume (PV) catheters are available for dog/pig/sheep, rabbits/cats, mice and rats, which are purchased separately. A range of configurations of PV catheters are available with all catheters having a single or dual pressure sensor and four platinum electrodes for volume measurement. Due to their small size, PV catheters can be placed directly into the left or right ventricle of the heart with minimal disruption to heart function. In vivo, the catheters can be used in either closed- or open-chest preparations, as well as being used in the isolated working heart preparation.
The MPVS Ultra Pressure-Volume Unit from Millar, provides analog outputs for two pressure, a composite volume and a maximum of seven volume segments. The combined pressure and volume signals can be plotted in real time using LabChart to generate pressure-volume loops which are used to determine cardiac function.
The PowerLab ships with ADInstruments LabChart software, which together provide data recording integrity, display and analysis features that include a variety of measurements (with the appropriate Signal Conditioners and Transducers) including
- Left ventricular pressure (LVP)
- Left ventricular volume
- Heart rate
- Rate of pressure change (dP/dt)
- Rate of volume change (dV/dt)
- Systolic and end-diastolic pressure
- Temperature
The research system is also supplied with LabChart Pro software, which includes all the LabChart Modules, such as the ECG Analysis Module, Blood Pressure Module and Peak Analysis Module for Windows which are specifically configured to analyze and report pressure (ventricular or blood) parameters as well as examine any recordings of ECG.
More information you will find on ADInstrument website.
Nosaukums | |
RSBMIL002/M MPVS Ultra single segment foundation system for mice with PowerLab C | |
RSBMIL002/R MPVS Ultra single segment foundation system for rats with PowerLab C | |
RSBMIL003 MPVS Ultra foundation system for large animals (sheeps, pigs) with PowerLab C |