Remote-Controlled Atlantis Platforms for Morris Water Maze
- No harness, no jacket, no tether is required
- Extremely sensitive
- The magnet can be attached anywhere on the animal
- The magnet attached to tha animal is very small (2x15mm)
- Reduce the stress to the animal at its minimum
The Rotometer is widely used in research on motor assessment tests. Rotometer is also used in traumatic and acquired brain injury research and spinal cord injury research.
There are several well-characterized causes for animals to exhibit rotational behavior:
• Uneven/unilateral higher expression of levels of neurotransmitters (such as GABA or dopamine). Some brain tumors can cause aberrant expression levels to occur. Injury may also interfere with proper neurotransmitter expression, and/or cause some localized change in neurotransmitter expression
• Developmental anomalies can also cause rotational behavior
• Anxiety/stress may cause this aberrant behavior
• Exposure to some drugs, or drug abuse, or withdrawal from some drugs, all may have rotational sequelae.
• Physical lesions also can cause rotational behavior in an animal
To quantify rotational behavior in a freely moving animal is a significant development
- Quantifizierung und motorisch-funktionelle Analyse von postlesional beobachtbaren Tyrosinhydroxylaseimmunreaktiven Neuronen im 6-OHDA-Parkinson-Modell der Maus M. Duckert, Dissertation, Rostock, 2012