Instech webinar: Tips for a successful rodent vascular catheterization surgery and for an extended catheter patency duration

Join to Instech webinar: Tips for a successful rodent vascular catheterization surgery and for an extended catheter patency duration.
Abstract: Rodent vascular catheterizations are common surgical procedures practiced throughout the research community. Many studies require access to the circulatory system whether it is for the infusion of compounds, blood withdrawal or both. The first step toward vascular access is to perform a successful surgery following strict aseptic and atraumatic techniques. There is a lot more than meets the eye when it comes to placing a catheter in a blood vessel. The final position of the catheter tip in the vessel is of the utmost importance when it comes to patency duration and successful surgical outcome. By using landmarks or making measurements when performing surgery, one can predict the location of the catheter tip and radically increase surgical success and catheter patency. Other factors influence patency duration, such as the use of a closed system, catheter material and tip profile, sterility of components and the use of positive pressure technique when locking the catheter.
Presenter: Andrée Lapierre
Her professional background consists of 30+ years in animal research with the past 25 years focused on rodents and surgical procedures. Andrée worked at the Jackson Laboratory for 22 years, where she was the Manager of the Surgical Services department for over 12 years and an integral part of the surgical team for 21 years. She has been the Global Director of Education and Surgical Support at Instech Laboratories, Inc. since September 2022. Andrée has extensive experience in training surgical procedures nationally and internationally since 2004. She holds a degree in Animal Health Science and am AALAS certified (American Association of Laboratory Animal Science) at the 3 different technician levels (ALAT, LAT, LATG), and at the managerial level (CMAR, Certified Manager of Animal Resources). She is also SRS (Surgical Research Specialist) certified through the Academy of Surgical Research.