In vitro Monitoring of the Intrinsic Motility Behaviors of Human Lymphocytes
- Do you want to know what makes lymphocytes move?
- Do you want to learn how environmental signals influence the motility of lymphocytes?
- Are you planning to do live-cell imaging of moving lymphocytes in a chemotactic gradient?
The motility of lymphocytes is intimately related to their immune surveillance function. Lymphocytes alternate between phases of individual cell exploration across tissues and phases of prolonged cell-cell interaction during activation and function. We are exploring how diversified lymphocyte motility behaviors emerge from the capacity of those cells to integrate signals from their environment, including extracellular matrix components, chemokines, neighbor cells and antigen-presenting cells.
The first part of the webinar will present a combination of in vitro approaches and microscopy modalities used to characterize the propensity of lymphocytes to adapt their motility to extracellular matrix composition. It will also show how expression of LifeAct-GFP can be exploited to characterize adhesive and protrusive activities of migrating lymphocytes.

The second part of the webinar will focus on the video-monitoring of lymphocyte motility along chemokine gradients and on the extraction of parameters relevant to the assessment of chemotaxis. It will also present the study of collective chemotaxis, which emerges at high lymphocyte densities.
Speaker of Motility Behaviors of Human Lymphocytes Webinar

Loïc Dupré, PhD, Centre de Physiopathologie de Toulouse Purpan (CPTP), INSERM UMR1043, Toulouse Purpan University Hospital, Toulouse, France
Loïc Dupré received his PhD in Immunology at the Pasteur Institute of Lille, France. His research group established at INSERM, Toulouse, France, focuses on lymphocyte biology in the context of primary immunodeficiencies and leukemia. In particular, it explores lymphocyte motility and function via quantitative microscopy approaches spanning the nanoscale, the cellular scale, and the cell population scale.