Cell Cultivation Under Flow – ibidi Pump Setup
Several adherent cell types are exposed to shear stress conditions in vivo (e.g., endothelial cells in a blood vessel). Simulating these perfusion conditions provides a more physiological environment and induces biochemical responses in the cell physiology.
Learn more about:
- How to choose a suitable system for your application
- Preparation of flow chambers and pump setups, i.e.:
- Guidelines on cell numbers and cultivation periods
- Seeding cells into channel slides
- How to avoid introducing air bubbles into your system
Speaker of Cell Cultivation Under Flow Webinar

Helga Wagner, ibidi GmbH
Helga Wagner studied Biology at the University of Regensburg. Since 2008 she has been working in Research & Development of custom specific slides for functional cell based assays at ibidi GmbH. Her focus is on the design and implementation of tube formation assays and flow assays.