Ugo Basile
Delta-Maze, fully automated T-Maze with return arms and automatic doors
Code 41505UB
The Dynamic Plantar Aesthesiometer was designed to automate the assessment of “touch sensitivity” on the plantar surface of rats or mice and comes ready with all necessary accessories to work with both Mice and Rats. It is known by some as the Electronic Von Frey or Plantar Von Frey instrument.
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- The force is automatically applied
- Maximum force is 100g
- The user only has to press a button
- Double click of the button triggers manual score
- Force threshold and ramp can be adjusted
- Touch force and touch pause can be adjusted
- Force automated or manual
- Consistency in force application, rate and direction
- Works on a broader range of animal models, molecules, diseases
- The test is quicker and less tedious than VF hairs
- Possibility to use manual scoring when animal behaviour is difficult to automatically detect
- More parameters to fit with virtually any experimental need
- The way the probe approaches the paw can be changed, depending on paw sensitivity
- The force threshold can be scored manually or automatically
Impaired cutaneous sensation is usually first manifested in a loss of light touch detection. So “mechanical” stimulation has a long history of effective clinical use to diagnose pa-thologies of hyper- or hypo-aesthesia, brought about by drugs, neural pathology or experimental lesions, etc.
The Dynamic Plantar Aesthesiometer was developed to apply a reproducible light touch to the rodent plantar surface, and quantify the force which causes the animal to react by withdrawing the paw.