Auto Multi Wire Myograph System - 630MA
Making it easier… the Automated Wire Myograph System - model 630MA adds the ease of automating the normalization procedures so that calculations and preload tension is easily set. Following mounting and equilibration, passive length-tension relationships are determined by a standardized approach. This allows the standardization of initial experimental conditions, an important consideration when examining pharmacological differences between vessels.
The DMT myograph system itself is a highly sophisticated research instrument ideal for smooth muscle contractile study. Once vessels are dissected, cleaned, and mounted onto the four individual chambers, the segment is kept under physiological conditions.
The acid-resistant stainless steel chamber contains up to 8ml of physiological salt solution (PSS), where the temperature is maintained via the built-in heating. Gas inflow is individually controlled and easily regulated by a needle valve.
Chamber covers help maintain the temperature and buffer conditions, and compounds are added directly to the chamber through the cover. Vascular reactivity of the segment is measured under isometric conditions through a highly sensitive and accurate transducer. The opposite side is attached to a precision micrometer, allowing control of the vessel circumference.
Drainage of the buffer is quickly done through a vacuum connection and the built-in manifold.
This DMT myograph system is highly suited for pharmacological investigations on vessel reactivity. Multiple units, especially in combination with the Automatic Buffer Filler System - 625FS, can be conveniently arranged side-by-side.
This makes the DMT Myograph an ideal system for work requiring a higher throughput, such as drug screening, concentration responses, or experiments where individual testing of vessels in separate baths is necessary.
Chamber Unit(s)
- Versatile function - myograph & organ bath in one
- Acid resistent stainless steel chamber (avoid lipids/compounds sticking)
- Ring-mounted segments >30µm/<10mm
- Automatic normalization (pre-load tension)
- Low chamber volume
- XYZ adjustments for accurate alingment of segment
Interface Unit
- Integrated heating, gassing, & drainage
- Direct data streaming
- Selectable force range (mN)
- Intregreted calibration procedure
- Intuitive touch-screen interface menus
- Compact design / small footprint
- LabChart (AdInstruments) compatible